Luis Soto (818) 624-6649
"Celebrating Milestones" | Empowered by: Arcuity ai, Inc.
Promo Campaign
Because we care.
We aim to win.
We walk with integrity.
Where the imagination lives and digital art is made.
We want to be #1 in the world.
Our business evolution.
Evergreen trees are a symbol of strength.
Unveil your true masterpiece.
Dasani commercial featuring Amy Soto.
Featuring Jay Leno and Amy Soto.
To the love of my life.
Cherry blossom trees are a symbol of life, death and renewal.
The Soto's have arrived.
If I have seen further than others. It is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.
Isaac Newton
Laying the foundation for community building is fundamental for our survival.
M.E.G. is a work of art come to life.
Celebrating 1 year on the air.
MasterClass by definition are a group of scholars who change the world.
Covid-19, New Emerging Risks and Proactive Steps on Mitigation.
Employment Law & Workers’ Compensation Law:
“How they interplay with each other in the context of risk”
With an emphasis on business vulnerability and the legal, environmental and physical “covid-19 adherences” our industry will now have to consider to protect our businesses and more importantly our employees.
Risk Leaders Roundtable: Where do we go from here?
The Broker | The Third Party Administrator | Managed-Care | Technology
Their role in today's risk and what proactive measures should be instituted.
Architects of Innovation: How has the medical world been impacted now that Covid is here to stay.
How do we sustain our business empires under a post Covid world?
Returning to work and Its challenges.
Diversity & Inclusion in the Workplace.
Hate Crimes in the U.S.
Facial Recognition Surveillance and its Challenges.
Vaccination Policies in the Workplace.
Agricultural Workers in the Workplace.
The Faces of Our People | “Hospitality and Service Workers in the Workplace”
Undocumented Workers in the Workplace.
Risk Proactive Policies to consider under a post Covid world.
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